Farha Syed

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Don't Get Fooled: Online Shopping Doesn't Always Mean You Are Getting A Good Deal

The convenience of buying things online seems a very easy and headache-free option for many people. Let me admit, I would rather go shopping online than roam the malls trying to find things to build my new wardrobe or add to it, or get certain items I know I will find a better deal online than in stores like for example, perfumes, certain branded cosmetics, etc. But I would limit my online shopping till there.

I would not purchase furniture online, especially after I have been educated, from attending industry continuing education talks to the possible health risks, that come packaged with those pieces.

The risks are too grave for me to overlook, and feel a very strong sense of responsibility to educate the general public that finds it convenient to buy furniture online without knowing what types of treatments the pieces have been through, what type of upholstery was used, and how it was treated.

Ever wonder why we hear so many cases of Auto-Immune diseases, allergies on the rise. Or people feeling sick, but can't quite pinpoint what the actual cause is for sickness which lingers. It also hit home, which is why it became more of a reason for me to really dig into this, and study this deeper.

When you order those pieces online are coming mainly from China. Now in order, to ship your item, the piece would be boxed and packaged, confining the fumes of the chemicals from the treatments it has gone through while constructing it; and when you open that package, it gets to off-gas, which simply means the fumes get to air out and mostly inside your home.

These are what can be the cause of many diseases, as mentioned above if undiagnosed and untreated can cause complications. And as a note of advice, please air out your home so that the pieces you have already gotten by shopping online. Their construction is built to fail, for lack of a better word, because they want you back buying from them a few years later. These pieces are not built to last. These are going in landfills and adding to an already huge environmental problem.

Here is a video, that my friend Leslie Carothers, has given me the permission to embed here for you to view, and know what you are missing out on when you just rely on convenience and cheaper products, rather than investing in each piece thoughtfully.

Here, I would also like to make a point about designers, who you avoid hiring due to constraints in your budget, and lose out on the value they bring to you by researching the pieces they specify for you and your family's use and overall well-being.

Furthermore, save you from making costly mistakes, on your limited budget. I have written another post on this which you can read here. We research how each product is made, treated, and delivered to you with the least to non-existent level of chemicals, as best we can.

I hope this post as well as the link to the video I embedded here, were useful for you; you will make an investment in hiring a designer and trusting him/her to help you build a healthy home.

Know that I am always a phone call or an email from you to solve your design challenges.

Have A Fabulous Day!

#Onlineshopping #furniture #offgassing #airquality #diseases #wellbeing #environmentalproblem #healthyhome

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